It's been forever since I've even looked at my blog. I decided last night that I was going to make a conscience effort to get it updated, before the baby gets here! There is so much that I have missed since I last updated, I am not even going to try to play catch up, but rather just start from here, and move forward. So here we go....
ADAM- He is the one member of our family that doesn't change much. He is still working like a mad man, but does alot LESS traveling these days! He has a great job, and does such an awesome job at juggling it and our family. He amazes me everyday with his kindness and love that he has for our kids and me. Lately, he does more than he should have to and I can't tell him enough how much I appreciate the way that he takes care of us!!
LINDY- With only about 14 weeks left in the pregnancy, needless to say I am ready to have this baby! It's been pretty uneventful, compared to the last go round,
THANK HEAVENS!!! In March I start my 2 week appts and then April go to one week appts. Although we haven't purchased a single new item for our new addition, we are more than ready to get him here! I am also in charge of some school functions coming up, and staying busy with volunteering there. Mostly my days are filled with entertaining Clint, driving the girls to and from their activities, and all the naps I can manage to squeeze in in-between! I am also still selling my jeans, and have recently been asked to serve on the Executive Leadership Council at Vault Denim.
LEXI-She is getting ready to turn 12 in just about a week. I have no clue how in the world that happened so fast, but it has. Lexi is playing on the 6th grade basketball team at her school. Softball is also getting ready to start for her, as well as 4-H! She is such a good helper with her brother, and we are so lucky to have her in our family!
BRIANNA-is getting ready to finish up her 2nd session of gymnastics. She is still indecisive of whether or not she is going to keep doing that or play softball. She is also on her 5th grade school basketball team. Tournaments are this weekend for both girls! Bri is at the top of her class in her school, and works really hard at being there. She is also going to do 4-H this year. They are both taking sheep this year to fair!!
CLINT-This boy is officially a terrible 2-year old! I can only hope that he grows out of it soon! He has such a strong personality, and knows exactly what he wants and how to get it! He is the light of our days, and keeps this family on it's toes at all times! He talks like he is about 4 but is still so small for his age that he keeps people guessing all the time at just how old he is! When we go to basketball games, (or anywhere for that matter) he is always the center of attention and people just can't get enough of him! He is peeing in the toilet now, but still refuses to do #2. But hopefully before his brother gets here, we will have him potty trained. Fingers Crossed! 2 in diapers, is not my ideal situation!!! He worships his dad, and everything he does. He loves his cars, and tractors. His favorite thing to do is watch "woody and buzz" and we probably have seen Toy Story 3 atleast 200 times. He can't get enough of it! He knows when it's time to get in the car and "go get the girls". This boy loves his sisters! He is happiest when the whole family is at home at night time, when he is the center of the universe!!!
So that is basically what we are all up to! Stay tuned for pics from this weekends basketball tournament, and aslo some scans of the latest ultrasound we had done!