Friday, February 27, 2009

Flashback Friday.....

I have to start off by giving kudos to my friend Valerie for allowing me to steal her idea for "flashback fridays" I always look forward to checking her blog Friday mornings to see what creative "blast from the past" she has come up with. So to go along with my own "blast from the past" post, I thought it was only right, that I show the girls how to really "spike" those bangs!! I think I was in 5th grade in this photo, but it may have been 7th. I can't remember!!

Side note to mom: why on earth were we allowed to fix our own hair? Was this your way of letting us "express" ourselves as children? I blame you for this photo!! And thank you for teaching me that big hair is so cool!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Zodiac Signs....

For those of you who are into astrology, my sister Katie hooked me up with this site. It is freakishly dead on!! I read mine, Adams and the girls and they are all for the most part, exactly right!! You have to check this out!! Mine even said that I should skydive!!! Yes, that is me....floating to the ground, after jumping out of a plane!! And that I will marry a Virgo.....and You guessed it....Adam is a Virgo!!! Check it out:

A blast from the past......

Last week the girls had spirit week at school. Most of the days were rather colors, western day, and few others that I don't remember. However, Wednesday was 80's day!! For those of you who don't remember, I was queen of the big hair!! I loved it then and still do now. I can't wait for it to come back!! I was able to talk them into letting me "spike" their hair, but they were not up for folding over their jeans at the bottom and puttin a few rolls in them!! And when I said it looked even cooler if they pulled their socks up over the top of their rolled jeans......let's just say they rolled their eyes and told me I had lost my mind and that that would be the most embarrising thing ever!!!
Brianna wasnt too sure about curling her bangs....but she gave in!!
Here are a couple more pics from the week.....they have nothing to do with the 80's or spirit week, but are pretty darn cute!!

The girls thought it would be fun to wrap his towel on his head and see if it made him look like a girl!! His dad will not be impressed I am sure!

And this is him in his new toy!! He thinks that he a big boy now, and insists on standing at all times. If you even try to sit him down he will arch his back and start to throw a fit. So we found this for him, it allows him to stand on his own all he wants too!! He really likes it and is able to work most of the toys on it. It makes lots of sounds and has blinking lights too.....he better like it. The dang thing cost a small fortune....but from the words of his father "nothing is too expensive for my boy"! Do I hear a little favortism?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Look who's 10....

Wow! I can't believe that our little Lex is 10! Where has the time gone? We started the day off getting ready for school. She tried to talk me into letting her skip it "just this once", but I made her go. Besides, we had spent half the night making cupcakes to take in to her class today. I thought that she was getting too old for this, but she insisted "everybody brings them". So I couldn't tell her no! After school she had musical rehersal, so she didn't get home til almost 5:00. I gave her the option of going out to any place she chose for dinner, and she opted to stay home and make her favorite meal. Fetticinni Alfredo!! Great choice Lex!! She invited Aunt Kate out, and also her bff Kayden to come over to join us. She decided not to have a cake this year, since we had soooo many cupcakes left over. After dinner we loaded one up with 10 candle and lit the thing.....
Well, that was a near disaster....the wax started melting fast and dripping on her hands. We told her to hold it steady for a quick picture, and what ever she did DONT DROP IT!!! She managed to pose, and then get them out quick!! Aside from her dad being gone, she said she had a really fun day!! She also got to go to Peter Piper Pizza on Monday with all of her cousins, but I am soooo bad about having my camera with me, so we have no pics of that! Anyway, here are a few more pics from the night. Me with the kids...........

Aunt Kate and the kids!!!
We are so glad to have Lexi in our family, and can't believe she is already 10. She has grown up so fast, and is turning into a little lady right before our eyes!! Adam said to me last is not the fact that we are now 30 that has him feeling is thinking that in only 6 years she'll be driving....and dating!!!! Oh, the things we are about to go through!! Happy Birthday Lexi. We love you!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

This is our story...

I've recently been reconnected with many of my friends through facebook! Alot of you are asking where Ive been the last 10 or so years so instead of telling the story 15 times I am redirecting you to my blog! So here is the condensed version...My family moved to Utah when I was a junior in high school, 1995. I graduated in 97' and started working for a manufacturing company. In November of that year I came home to Az. for a friends wedding. Adam was there too, and the rest is pretty much history. We had known eachother since the 4th grade. We dated a little in high school, but nothing too serious. By the end of the month I knew he was the one. In February of 08' I moved to Nevada, where he was living. We decided to "play house" for a while, but both knew we wanted to get married. In June I got pregnant, so it was time to plan that wedding. We were married in August, and shortly after moved back to the valley. Lexi was born in February of 09' and Brianna came just 15 months later in May of 2000. With having babies outta the way, it was time to get serious. Adam worked for a sand company in the east valley and I worked for a landscape company in Mesa. We bought our first home in 2002 in Mesa. We soon realized that our babies were growing up way too fast, and we were missing it all, so we opted for me to stay home with them and quit working. By this time Adam was a manager at his job and we were doing pretty well. Our little house soon became very small and we needed to find a new one. We were sick of being in the city and Adam was driving all the way to Florence Jct. everyday for work, so we found a place out near Florence where we could have horses, and our kids could grow up in a small town environment like we did. We started building in 04' and moved in in August of 05'. After about a year, Adam decided he was going no where with his job and we decided to look for something new. He landed an awesome opportunity for us, but it meant we were moving to Colorado. We put our house up for sale, packed up our home and off we went. When we got there it was fun! A new place, new people, snow!! But I was lonely. I got a job, but it was boring. Soooo, I decided to talk Adam into having another baby. And it worked!! The first time was our charm. In January of 08' I was pregnant. By the first week of March the excitement was over and I was sick. In and out of the hospital twice. The 2nd stay revealed we were not only having one baby...there was two!! That explained the sickness:( The 3rd week of March I was back in the hospital, this time it was my appendix. They weren't sure if it was going to burst, but said it was best to get it out. So they took it. 3 weeks later we were back down to one baby. The rest of April and May was mostly the same. at home....dr. ect. ect. Finally, my dr says enough and sends me to some specialists!! They end up putting me on a cocktail of pills that actually worked, with no side effects to the baby. I was taking them 4 times a day, and not sick. The only kicker....they caused drowsiness. So I slept away the rest of the time. In August, Adams company decided to purchase a plant in Phoenix, and said he could take it over, since we still had not sold our home. We didnt hesitate and packed our stuff. The day we got back they put the cabosh on buying the plant, but said he could still work out of our home, he would just have to travel more. In October it was finally time to have a baby!! I was due the 30th and couldnt wait for it to finally be over. On the morning of the 11th I woke up around 5 am and was sick! I hadnt been sick in 3 months! Was the medicine finally going to stop working or did I have the flu. Were still not really sure, but it didnt matter, cuz I was in labor! We got to the hospital around noon and at 8:40 the next morning, yes 20 hours later, we had our son!! Clint was born on October 12th of 2008! Adam just got promoted to an area manager, and now instead of flying to Colorado and California every week, he will be going to Ohio. For now we will stay in Arizona, but may be embarking on another adventure soon. It is so hard to spend so much time apart, and now he has his little boy that changes so much in just a weeks time! This blog is mostly for Adam, so that he can keep up on the goings on in his home when he is away! Now you're up to date on the Masons!! Enjoy our blog....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our baby is growing up....

Today Clint turned 4 months old. It seems like we just brought him home and he is already getting so big. He is such a great baby, and so happy all of the time. I waited so long for him, and am so happy that he finally came to join our family. I have tried all day to get a good shot of him smiling, but for some dang reason the camera makes him so serious, and he just wont. It could have something to do with the fact that for the past two weeks he has been so sick. Anyway, it's the best I could do!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sisters Birthday Weekend......

Recently my sisters and I had the opportunity to sneek away for our first annual "Sisters Birthday Weekend"! We have never as adults been anywhere together without our kids or hubbies so this was a much needed get away! We decided that since it had been years since we all skiid, 10 for them and 4 for me, that we would hit the slopes!Katie took the afternoon off work so we left around 2:00 on Friday afternoon. After a quick stop at the Burger House we were on our way!! We didnt even make it to Show Low, before we were stopped on side of the road. We were laughing so hard that it was unsafe to drive and Mattie had to pee!!! Yes, we caught the whole thing on camera however, I will save those photos for another day! We went straight to the ski shop to rent our gear, we wanted to be ahead of the morning rush!! I think the man at the shop thought we were either drunk or on drugs cause once again we were laughing at our own jokes!! Since Adam is a HiltonHonors guru, he was able to score us a free night at the New Hampton Inn, so we could get a good night rest and be ready to go first thing Saturday morning. Needless to say we were up most of the night, and nearly the last one to arrive at the hills. Bad idea! The long hike through the parking lot to the lifts nearly did us in before we even started our day. For those of you have ever walked in ski boots, you know what we were going through!! Our plan was to hit the bunny slopes a few times to get our ski legs back and then the fun would start. So up we went. And down we came!! It was easy!! We all made it on and off the lift and down the hill without incident. Now we were heading to midway.....up the mountain we went, discussing how it all just came right back to us. It was like riding a bike! As we approach the exit off the chair I remember scooting to the edge of the seat and concentrating hard on getting off and turning to the right. As I look back, I see Mattie on the ground and nearly being decapitated by the lift chair! What went wrong....well when Katie and I got off, the chair went off balance and launched Mattie in the air...she wasnt able to land it and the rest was history!! When we got her up, (of course we were all laughing) we decided to take the less traffic route down the hill. We wanted to take our time and not be anybodys way. So off we went. Well, there was a reason that trail was less traveled. It was like ice for one, and second, it had been driven on by something that made deep ruts in the snow. Once our skiis were in them we couldnt get out. Not good! Well, Kate managed to get down the hill, however Mattie and I werent so lucky. We decided not to risk it and took our skiis off and walked it out!! From now on we will take the busy trail, no matter what. So we get back on the lift and head back up....once again we are planning our exit. This time we put Mattie in the middle so that if she was off last the chair wouldnt launch sounded like a good plan....but once again, down she goes!! Not sure what happened that time, but she was a sport. The rest of the day went pretty good. Mattie had a few more crashes, but all and all it was a great day. We had to drive home that night, so we called it quits around 3:00pm and headed for home. What a great time it was to spend with my sisters. It is so wonderful to have them in my life and to have such great bonds with them. I cant wait to see where next years trip takes us....perhaps skydiving girls??? Or am I still the only brave one in the bunch!?!