We did celebrate Brianna's birthday this year, it has just been a crazy June, so needless to say, I am waaayyyy behind on my blog. Brianna was so lucky to have so many people come and help her celebrate her 9th birhday. Yes, I said 9TH! And don't ask me how that happened. Thank you to everyone who came: Papa and Mema from Taylor, Papa Ken and Gma Skeet, Aunt Kate, U.Todd and A.Jody, Brennen, Mak, Garret, Russy; Matt, Lisa and Ben; The DeGooyers, The Smiths, and Kayden, I know that I've said it before, but we have the best family and friends in the world. They are always there for our kids and it means so much to them and Adam and I.
So here are some of the moments that I captured on her special day.....
Some of the kids having cake and ice cream! Yummy...for some reason I didn't get a picture of the cake or blowing out the candles:( Sorry Nan!!!

Makenna taking a shot at the pinata

Waiting for presents....ooohhh the anticipation

A build-a-bear game for her ds....which they now fight over!! Thanks Kayden!!

This was her favorite gift....her friends made it just for her with her name on it and everything! Thank you Kiara and Katia!!

Along with all of the cake and ice cream, friends and family, and pinata fun...we also had a huge feast to eat! Brianna wanted sub sandwiches for dinner. Along with it we had all the fixings: macaroni salad, veggies, dips, chips and salsa, deviled eggs, and all kinds of stuff to drink!!

Brianna, you are such a good kid. You strive so hard to please everyone around you and always try to make good decisions. I am so proud of you and am so thankful that we have you in our family. You are the best little helper any mom could ask for, and I appreciate all you do in our home to make it run smoothly. I am sorry this is late, but hope you know how much we love you. Happy Birthday little Nan!!
WOW! 9 years old!? Happy Birthday Brianna! Looks like a great party!