Quick note: the following post was composed sometime at the beginning of June...I could never get the pictures to upload to photobucket, so today I finally finished it.
The Month of July: 4th of July in Taylor Vacation to San Diego 24th of July back to Taylor/Pettyjohn Reunion School Started on the 20th! Clint is everywhere. Pulling up on everything and now he starting to climb!
The Month of June: Clint learns to crawl. Is saying mama, dada, lala(lexi), nan(brianna), hi, hey, and yelling at all animals he sees. Although he doesn't really like to get close to them.
06/02/09 Clint gets his first bloody nose today. While crawling across the tile, he lost his balance and face planted right into the floor. Poor baby:(
05/30/09 Brianna turns 9 today:( I can not believe that she is that old!!
05/23/09 Clint is now mobile. Time to baby proof the house
05/07/09 Lexi: "mom, I don't even get why they call it spring cleaning?" as she is vacuuming the floor and baseboards for me. Me: "Uuhh, maybe because you do it in the spring, Lex" Lexi: "well, I think it should be winter cleaning, that way when you wake up in the spring from hybernation, it is already cleaned for you!!!" Nice concept Lexi, since we hybernate!!
05/07/09 This morning the first thing Clint did was put his paci in his mouth!! Are you kidding me?? I just layed him down for a morning nap, and he is sucking the paci and holding his bottle under one arm!! Maybe we can finally take that bottle away from him at night and prevent some serious dental problems.
05/06/09 Tonight before I started dinner, I sat Clint in the living floor with his box full of toys. He immediatly dumped the box and started playing. He was so content there for some time, so I finally stopped what I was doing and went to check on him. I found him sitting there, with his paci in his mouth playing so good ALONE....why is this significant?? My kids hate paci's. I can never get them to take them. They end up all over the house and never get used. The girls and I sat and watched him for quite a while, laughing. He looked so cute with that thing in his mouth.
04/30/09 Brianna "ya know mom, Uncle Todd is kinda lucky to be bald...he never has to worry about getting lice!!!"
04/29/09 Lexi now has rash as well.....
04/29/09 Dr. confirms Brianna and Clint BOTH have contracted fifths disease. Turns out the hard day on the 23rd wasn't his teeth afterall.
04/23/09 Our first "hard" day with Clint...He's teething and just miserable. Won't take a nap, and is exhausted. So is his mama...o' how a cryin baby can take it out of you:( Please come in soon little teeth.
04/22/09 As we are leaving the neighborhood this morning a bird flies right over the truck. Lexi says..."too bad I don't have my gun, that bird would've been lunch meat." HUH???
04/20/09 Clint goes to his first Major League Ball Game. Diamondbacks vs. Rockies
04/19/09 Clint gets his first skinned up nose. While watching the girls shoot their bb guns, he fell over and got a scrape. He was so upset. After I finally got him to quit whining, I gave him to Adam and the drama started all over again!!
04/14/09 Tonight Clint ate an entire jar of babyfood. Afterwards he acted like he was still a little hungry, so I gave him a 6 oz. bottle to wash it down. Out of no where, he chugged the thing in like 2 minutes. Rarely does he finish a bottle in 2 hours, much less minutes. Before I knew it he was miserable. The poor guy. He kept letting out these man-sized belches and with each one came a little sweet potatoes and milk. As disgusting as it sounds, he was our entertainment for the night. Each time it got worse and worse, but O' so funny!! I don't think we will let him eat til he stops himself again!!
04/13/09 Lexi gets her new glasses! She looks so grown up in them!
04/06/09 Clint has his first sleep over with Russton...it lasted for 5 days!! Thanks A. Jody and U. Todd!!
03/31/09 Clint tried green beans today. He nearly ate the whole jar!! 30 minutes later, as Lexi held him over her head to play airplane, back up they came...all over her face!!
03/25/2009 Clint is sitting up on his own for over 5 minutes! He had his first taste of butternut squash. And liked it!!
Conversation I had with the girls the other day in the car as we are driving passed the new High School they're building by our house: Lexi-"mom, what grade will I be in when I go there?" Me-"A froshmen, then sophmore, junior then senior" Brianna-"Well when I go there, we will be in the same class?" Me-"Maybe?" Lexi-"Did you and Uncle Todd have any classes together mom?" Me- "Ya, I think so. But only ag...." Brianna-"what's that?" Lexi-"It's drama club you dork!!!"
03/19/09 Clint found his feet this week!! He discovered grass, and loved it. He can roll from his belly to his back.
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