Im so behind on you little man, that I hardly know where to start! So Im just going to jump in and hope it all makes sense!All but one of these pics were taken on your first birthday: October 12, 2009

You are now almost 15 months old. You are walking all over the place now, and refuse to crawl anywhere.
You love our new house, and you spend your entire day just exploring. You love to climb the stairs, but once you get to the top you turn around and yell down for help. The first week we were here, you made your way up, and then fell all the way to the bottom. You gave me quite a scare, as I thought you had broken your neck. After a few minutes of rubbing your eyes, you let out a little cry and then went on your way again. I stripped you down to make sure there was no scratches and you didn't have a mark on you! You are such a fast learner and now that you know it hurts when you fall, you won't get near the edge of anything!
You are such a big helper to me! You love to unload the dishwasher and cupboards and you also love to throw your dirty laundry down the chute, along with anything else you can sneak down the hole. You love to help your dad fix things and you even have your very own tool bench now.....

You are a pretty good eater, as long as you get to feed yourself. I guess I should add that you are also VERY independent. You think you are as big as your sisters, and that if anyone else is doing something, then you can too! Your favorite foods include mac and cheese, raviolis and meat. You scare me to death with the meat, but somehow you always get it down and rarely choke. But...your favorite thing is CHOCOLATE....you love it....brownies, fudge, candy, anything chocolate! And sometimes, when no one else is looking, you like to wash it down with a big swig of pepsi!! I know, I am a terrible mom, but who says I can't spoil you once in a while?

You have THE best smile, and the happiest little personality. When we go out, you smile at everyone, and more times than I can count people have stopped me and said that seeing your little face has brightened their day! Everyday I get to look at you smile, is a good day!

You are very curious and love to get into things to see what they are. Most of the time I can find you in the toilet slosshing the water and then trying to lick you finger fast before I can get you! It is now a standing rule around here: anyone caught leaving the seat up and the door to the bathroom open is dead meat! It's disgusting son, and we would really love it if you'd stop this one thing!!!

We finally got you to drink whole milk...after only about 5 attempts. Now you love it and you are really starting to pack on a little weight!

Its really cold here now, so before we go out we have to bundle you all up! You don't seem to mind it much, but it is such a hassle. Immediately upon feeling the cold air on your face you start to make sounds and breath really hard! We're not sure what you're doing, but Im sure somewhere inside you, you are calling us crazy and saying take me back to Arizona!!

Clint, you are the light of our lives now, and everyday you do something new, to make us smile. Your sisters can't get enough of you, and yet you drive them crazy at the same time!

Keep being the awesome little man that you are, and always know that your family loves you so much!

Love it! As I'm sitting her wiping the tears away, just wanna say we miss you guys so much! Ohio sucks!