Friday, March 20, 2009


Just wondering if anyone else has issues uploading pictures? Everytime I try to load them, they end up in some random order and I can't figure out how to re-arrange them in the order I want them in. If anyone can help me figure this out, or is experiencing the same issues, please let me know!! Until then...stay tuned for our update on Spring break. We have two weeks, the first one is almost gone, but it has been full of adventure!!


  1. Once it's uploaded, right click on the picture and hold the button down, then drag it to its desired place. You'll know you have a hold of it if there are little black boxes surrounding the picture (it's highlighted, basically). I actually don't use blogger to upload my pictures. I upload them into photobucket and then just copy and past the html. That's how I get them to appear big. If that's confusing or you have any other questions, email me and I'll help however I can! :)

  2. I meant LEFT CLICK! Sorry!!! And they are little WHITE boxes, not BLACK. Could I have made that any more confusing?

  3. I get that box around it when I left click, but it wont drag anywhere. UUUGGG!! I am now just going to do the photobucket thing....if I can figure that out. Also when I try deleting just one pic, it deletes the entire post:( Can it be anymore difficult?
