Thursday, February 26, 2009

A blast from the past......

Last week the girls had spirit week at school. Most of the days were rather colors, western day, and few others that I don't remember. However, Wednesday was 80's day!! For those of you who don't remember, I was queen of the big hair!! I loved it then and still do now. I can't wait for it to come back!! I was able to talk them into letting me "spike" their hair, but they were not up for folding over their jeans at the bottom and puttin a few rolls in them!! And when I said it looked even cooler if they pulled their socks up over the top of their rolled jeans......let's just say they rolled their eyes and told me I had lost my mind and that that would be the most embarrising thing ever!!!
Brianna wasnt too sure about curling her bangs....but she gave in!!
Here are a couple more pics from the week.....they have nothing to do with the 80's or spirit week, but are pretty darn cute!!

The girls thought it would be fun to wrap his towel on his head and see if it made him look like a girl!! His dad will not be impressed I am sure!

And this is him in his new toy!! He thinks that he a big boy now, and insists on standing at all times. If you even try to sit him down he will arch his back and start to throw a fit. So we found this for him, it allows him to stand on his own all he wants too!! He really likes it and is able to work most of the toys on it. It makes lots of sounds and has blinking lights too.....he better like it. The dang thing cost a small fortune....but from the words of his father "nothing is too expensive for my boy"! Do I hear a little favortism?

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