I have been wanting to go to Ohio for quite some time now, to see where Adam is working, and how life really is out there. We had been discussing a trip, but that was about as far as it went. About 3 weeks ago, Adam was searching flights, and they just happened to have a good deal for the week of April 7th. So we called my parents and asked if they would keep the kids and we booked the ticket. Not even realizing it was the week before Easter. Well, with the help of Todd and Jody taking Clint for the week, and Megan helping out before school, we were able to still pull the trip off. It was so nice to get away, just the two of us. I was nervous leaving Clint....not for his sake, but scared for Jody, to have two little ones at home all day by herself, plus Garett!! So, I thank her for even offering. So here is how the trip went. (Mind you, this was my first time to the East, besides an 8th grade trip to the D.C. area!!)

It was so beautiful!! Everywhere you looked was like a postcard image!! My neck actually hurt from all of the head turning I was doing!! This is a picture of an Ice Cream Factory. The Velvet Ice Cream Company, if you've heard of them! Unfortunatly they were closed for the season, but it is on our list of things to do this summer when I take the kids back!! This is an actual working wheel that powers the entire mill!

A little history on the wheel!

After a few days of working, Adam was able to take the day off, so we planned a trip up to "Omish Country" as the locals call it. What an awesome day. I totally felt like I had stepped right back in time!! These signs were everywhere, and you really had to watch out for the buggies. You could always tell when one was near, cause there would be fresh horse poop right in the middle of the road!!

They literally drive their little buggies right down the main roads!!

here is another one.....

And at the local grocery store there is a hitching post, so they can go in and do their shopping, or trade their goods.....

This is the general store:

Their store was awesome!! Everything in it was home grown! They even had a container of what I thought were peanuts for sale, until I noticed the lever on it. When you pulled down, it released fresh peanut butter!! We were like 2 kids in a candy store there. We had to buy some fresh dinner rolls, still warm, along with some cheese!! We also found this purple popcorn and potatoe soup mix, (which we will try when Adam gets home this weekend).

This was the popcorn. It still popped up white, but the kernal parts inside were really purple!!

We found this guy out plowing his fields, getting ready for the summer planting season...

Notice his dog running right next to him!! Loyal little buddy!!
They use this little wagon thingy as a way to spread fertilizer on their feilds!!

My dang camera delayed when I went to get this picture below: it was such a funny site. This gravel truck hot on the trail of a buggy!! I wonder if they ever get ran off the road??

And this is the house that Adam will buy me BEFORE I move there!! It is was so beautiful. Up on the hill and down below there was a pond!! Someone just decided to build it and then never move in!! I think it's waiting for us!!

It was a wonderful 5 days. But I couldn't wait to get home to the kids. I missed them so much! I took these on plane coming back. I thought it was so pretty up above the clouds!

And another one....

I can't wait to go back with the kids!! It will be much more fun having them there, and not worrying about them! Thank you to my family for letting them stay. They all had a really great time!!
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